ESRI Discussion Paper No.338世界経済のなかのインド:成長回帰分析からのアプローチ
- 佐藤隆広
- 内閣府経済社会総合研究所客員主任研究官、
- 神戸大学経済経営研究所教授
世界経済のなかのインド:成長回帰分析からのアプローチ(PDF形式 1.08 MB)
2ページ1. Introduction
2ページ2. Economic Growth Model as a Theoretical Benchmark
4ページ3. Growth Experience of India from Inferences of Growth Regression
4ページ3.1. Absolute versus Conditional Convergences
5ページ3.2 Urbanization and Economic Growth
7ページ3.3 Basic Growth Regression
13ページ3.4 Robustness of Basic Growth Regression
14ページConcluding Remarks
20ページFigure 1 The Dynamics of the Neoclassical Growth Model
21ページFigure 2 Absolute Convergence in the Neoclassical Growth Model
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22ページFigure 3 Conditional Convergence in the Neoclassical Growth ModelPanel A: Different Saving Rates
23ページFigure 4 Simple correlation between the growth rate of per capita GDP and log of initial per-capita GDP.
24ページFigure 5 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and log of initial per capita GDP.
25ページFigure 6 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and upper-level schooling years.
26ページFigure 7 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and inverted value of life expectancy at birth.
27ページFigure 8 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and total fertility rate.
28ページFigure 9 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and government consumption to GDP.
29ページFigure 10 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and investment to GDP.
30ページFigure 11 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and inflation rate.
31ページFigure 12 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and change in terms of trade.
32ページFigure 13 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and external openness ratio.
33ページFigure 14 Partial relation between the growth rate of per-capita GDP and democracy index.
34ページFigure 15 Growth Rates during 1960–2010
35ページTable 1 Descriptive Statistics and Expected Sign of Growth Regression
36ページTable 2 Data for China and India
37ページTable 3 Regression for annual growth rate of per capita GDP
38ページTable 4 Fixed-effect regression for annual growth rate of per capita GDP