National Accounts for 1998 (68SNA, benchmark year = 1990)
1. Integrated Accounts
- Gross Domestic Product Account (Production and Expenditure Approach)(Excel:59KB)
- National Disposable Income and its Appropriation(Excel:55KB)
- Capital Finance(Excel:68KB)
- External Transactions(Excel:73KB)
2. Income and Outlay Accounts by Institutional Sectors
- Non-financial Incorporated Enterprises(Excel:40KB)
- Financial Institutions(Excel:34KB)
- General Government(Excel:84KB)
- Private Non-profit Institutions Serving Households(Excel:28KB)
- Households (Including Private Unincorporated Non-financial Enterprises)(Excel:103KB)
3. Capital Finance Accounts classified by Institutional Sectors
- Non-financial Incorporated Enterprises(Excel:49KB)
- Financial Institutions(Excel:49KB)
- General Government(Excel:45KB)
- Private Non-profit Institutions Serving Households(Excel:36KB)
- Households (Including Private Unincorporated Non-financial Enterprises)(Excel:41KB)
4. Main Time Series
- Gross Domestic Expenditure
At current prices Fiscal Year(Excel:54KB) Calendar Year(Excel:54KB) Quarterly
(Seasonally Adjusted)(Excel:98KB)At constant prices Fiscal Year(Excel:62KB) Calendar Year(Excel:62KB) Quarterly
(Seasonally Adjusted)(Excel:98KB)Deflators Fiscal Year(Excel:40KB) Calendar Year(Excel:39KB) Quarterly
(Excel:115KB)- - Distribution of National Income and National Disposable Income
At current prices Fiscal Year(Excel:89KB) Calendar Year(Excel:77KB) Quarterly
(Seasonally Adjusted)(Excel:106KB) - Gross Domestic Product classified by Economic Activities
At current prices - Calendar Year(Excel:69KB) - - At constant prices - Calendar Year(Excel:69KB) - - Deflators - Calendar Year(Excel:58KB) - -
5. Supporting Tables
- Supply and Disposition of Commodities
At current prices 1970-1979
(Excel:117KB) - Gross Domestic Product and Factor Income by kind of Economic Activity
(Excel:115KB) - Employed Persons and Employees by kind of Economic Activity(Excel:56KB)
- Matrix on Commodity by kind of Economic Activity(V Matrix)
At current prices 1970-1979
(Excel:140KB)At constant prices 1970-1979
(Excel:105KB) - Matrix on Input of Goods and Services classified by Economic Activities (U Matrix)(Excel:35KB)
- Current and Capital Transactions by the Sub-sectors of General Government(Excel:59KB)
- Selected Outlays of General Government by Purpose
(Excel:47KB) - Gener al Government Final Consumption Expenditure according to Cost-Composition and Purpose
At current prices 1970-1979
(Excel:82KB)At constant prices 1970-1979
(Excel:83KB) - Transfers from General Government to Households (Social Security Transfers)(Excel:25KB)
- Social Security Contributions(Excel:44KB)
- Public Expenditure by Accounts(Excel:23KB)
- Composition of Final Consumption Expenditure of Households by Type
- Composition of Final Consumption Expenditure of Households in the Domestic Market by Object
- Final Consumption Expenditure of Private Non-profit Institutions Serving Households according to Cost-composition and Purpose
At current prices 1970-1979
(Excel:76KB)At constant prices 1970-1979
(Excel:40KB) - Gross Domestic Capital Formation by Type of Capital Goods(Excel:33KB)
- Gross Domestic Capital Formation by Sectors
- Consumption of Fixed Capital of the Private and Public Institutions(Excel:20KB)
- Stock Valuation Adjustment(Excel:28KB)
- External Transactions(Excel:115KB)
- Income and Outlay Accounts of the Private and Public Institutions
- Financial Transactions by Sub-sectors
- All Main Sectors
Net increase of financial assets 1970-1979
(Excel:131KB)Net increase of liabilities 1970-1979
(Excel:134KB) - Sub-sectors of Public Non-financial Enterprises
(Excel:130KB) - Sub-sectors of Private Financial Institutions
Net increase of financial assets 1970-1979
(Excel:125KB)Net increase of liabilities 1970-1979
(Excel:124KB) - Sub-sectors of General Government
- All Main Sectors
6. Supplementary Tables
- Gross Domestic Product and Factor Income by Special Industrial Group
At current prices 1970-1979
(Excel:80KB) - Employed Persons Employees by Special Industrial Group(Excel:50KB)
- Net Lending by Institutional Sectors(Excel:39KB)
1. Consolidated Accounts for the Nation
2. Accounts by Institutional Sectors
- Non-financial Incorporated Enterprises(Excel:32KB)
- Financial Institutions(Excel:30KB)
- General Government(Excel:28KB)
- Private Non-profit Institutions Serving Households(Excel:27KB)
- Households (Including Private Unincorporated Non-financial Enterprises)(Excel:28KB)
3. Supporting Tables
- Closing Stocks,Capital Transactions and Reconsiliations of Assets and Liabilities for the Nation(Excel:62KB)
- Closing Stocks of Assets and Liabilities of the Private and Public Institutions(Excel:52KB)
- Closing Stocks of Assets and Liabilities by the Sub-sectors of General Government(Excel:48KB)
- Balance-sheet of Foreign Financial Assets and Liabilities(Excel:26KB)
- Closing Stocks of Financial Assets/Liabilities
- All Main Sectors
Stocks of financial assets 1969
(Excel:133KB)Stocks of liabilities 1969
(Excel:135KB) - Sub-sectors of Public Non-financial Enterprises
(Excel:130KB) - Sub-sectors of Private Financial Institutions
Stocks of financial assets 1969
(Excel:124KB)Stocks of liabilities 1969
(Excel:123KB) - Sub-sectors of Public Financial Institutions
(Excel:133KB) - Sub-sectors of General Government
- All Main Sectors
4. Supplementary Tables
- Closing Stocks of Net Fixed Assets(Excel:24KB)
- Stocks of Major Consumer Durables for the Households(Excel:35KB)
- Value of Land and Forests by Prefectures (owned by Private Sectors)
(Excel:147KB) - Closing Stocks of Consumer Credit(Excel:47KB)