Apr.-Jun. 2022 (The 1st preliminary)
Tables (from January-March 1994 to April-June 2022)
Ⅰ. GDP (Expenditure Approach) and Its Components
- Due to the revisions to source statistics etc., estimates of nominal original series from January-March 2018 and estimates of real original series from January-March 2017 may be revised from previous release.
- As seasonal adjustment is conducted with the latest estimates of original series every release, all estimates of both nominal and real seasonally adjusted series from January-March 1994 are revised from previous release. To download the latest estimates for any period, always the latest release should be consulted.
Ⅱ.Domestic final consumption expenditure of households classified by type, and Exports and Imports of goods and services
Domestic final consumption expenditure of households classified by type are estimated by classifying each item of the 88-purpose classification of Domestic final consumption expenditure of households into one of the four categories: Durable goods, Semi-durable goods, Non-durable goods, and Services.
Items | Level | Percent Change |
Deflators | Original Series (csv:13KB) | Original Series (Year-over-Year) (csv:12KB) |
Fiscal Year (csv:4KB) | Fiscal Year (csv:4KB) | |
Calendar Year (csv:5KB) | Calendar Year (csv:4KB) |
Ⅲ.Compensation of Employees
As seasonal adjustment is conducted with the latest estimates of original series every release, all estimates of both nominal and real seasonally adjusted series from January-March 1994 are revised from previous release. To download the latest estimates for any period, always the latest release should be consulted.
Level of seasonally adjusted series is annualized.
Real compensation of employees (reference series) = Nominal compensation of employees / Deflator of consumption of households (excluding imputed rent and FISIM)
Items | Quarterly | Annual |
Compensation of Employees | Level and Percent Change (csv:10KB) | Level and Percent Change, Fiscal Year (csv:2KB) |
Level and Percent Change, Calendar Year (csv:2KB) |
- Methodology for Calculating Contributions to Percent Change in Real GDP (PDF:41KB)
- (cf) Change in Private Inventories by Type (csv:11KB)
- (cf) Parallel Estimate Items (Demand-Side Estimates and Supply-Side Estimates) and Common Estimate Items (csv:8KB)
- To view the pdf files, the Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems is required.