October - December, 2010 (details):Business Outlook Survey

Response Rate

    The area of this survey is business enterprises that establish their headquarters or principal offices in Japan and have capital stock 10 million yen or more.

Item All Enterprises Large Enterprises Medium-sized Enterprises Small Enterprises
All industries Estimate Enterprises 1,105,829 6,367 30,046 1,069,416
Sample enterprises 15,316 5,474 3,972 5,870
Response enterprises 12,086 4,754 3,072 4,260
Response rate (%) 78.9 86.8 77.3 72.6
Manufacturing Estimate Enterprises 190,330 2,207 6,968 181,155
Sample enterprises 4,632 1,903 1,042 1,687
Response enterprises 3,887 1,706 896 1,285
Response rate (%) 83.9 89.6 86.0 76.2
Non-Manufacturing Estimate Enterprises 915,499 4,160 23,078 888,261
Sample enterprises 10,684 3,571 2,930 4,183
Response enterprises 8,199 3,048 2,176 2,975
Response rate (%) 76.7 85.4 74.3 71.1
  • Large enterprises are corporations with capital of 1 billion yen or over
  • Medium-sized enterprises are corporations with capital of 100 million yen to 1 billion yen
  • Small enterprises are corporations with capital of 10 to 100 million yen


For further details
Please contact the Department of Business Statistics, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office.