Explanation:Business and Investment Survey of Incorporated Enterprises
Purpose of the survey
To ascertain the current and planned capital investments of business enterprises with capital stock of 100 million Yen and over, and seek business leaders' assessments of and forecasts for the economy.
Survey area
Around 4,510 companies selected using methods stipulated by the Cabinet Office from about 37,600 business enterprises with capital stock of 100 million Yen and over and whose head office is located within Japan.
Timing of the survey
The twenty-fifth day of June, September, December, and March 10th of the subsequent fiscal year.
Survey method
Based on self-reporting by respondent companies. The survey of companies with capital stock of over 10 billion Yen is generally a complete count survey, but selection through stratified random sampling is used for companies with capital stock under 10 billion Yen.
Notes on using the survey results
(1) BSI (Business Survey Index) is the percentage of companies saying that domestic economic conditions are rising compared with the previous quarter, minus the percentage of companies saying that domestic economic conditions are declining compared with the previous quarter.
(2) The figures published for capital investment are population estimates. The calculation criteria is based on construction in progress (increase in tangible fixed assets before depreciation including temporary construction accounts).
(3) Capital investments are calculated without consumption tax.
(4) The industries tabulated are based on the classifications of the Japan Standard Industrial Classification.
(5) Seasonal adjustment is made using the X-11 variant of the Census Bureau Method II.
(6) Data in Table (Capital spending plan for the fiscal year) is not updated in the June survey.