ESRI Discussion Paper Series No.375 Telework, Management, and Technology

Atsushi Ohyama
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Innovation Research
Ryo Kambayashi
Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Economic Research


We empirically examine what factors facilitate remote work arrangements by using the data from the 2020 JP MOPS. In this study, we exploit variations in establishment characteristics and shed light on the relationships between telework, management, and technology. Our empirical investigation reveals several relationships between telework, management, and technology. First, well-management establishments tend to arrange telework environments. Second, both human resource and non-human resource management practices have positive impacts on the arrangement of telework. Third, it is a long-run improvement in the quality of management that is positively associated with telework arrangements. Finally, technology factors are strongly correlated with the adoption of telework. This study shows that management and technology contribute to telework adoption and that establishment heterogeneity regarding management and technology can explain an unexplained part of the variation in telework arrangement within a given occupation.

Structure of the whole text(PDF-Format 1 File)

  1. 全文の構成

    • 1 Introduction
    • 2 Brief Literature Review
    • 3 Data
    • 4 Results
    • 5 Conclusions
    • Reference
    • Tables